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Taiwan highway to close for butterfly migration

Posted on March 31st 2007 by Amy in Nature, News

Check out this article from the Guardian about an unusual wildlife operation. More »

Don’t waste food!

Posted on March 19th 2007 by Amy in Food, Personal

An article on the BBC website last Friday revealed that British households waste over 3 million tons of food per year. That amounts to just under a third of all food bought, although half of that is inedible matter such as packaging. Wasting food has been a pet peeve of mine for some time, so it’s nice to hear that someone is taking notice. More »

Our visit to Oostvaardersplassen

Posted on March 16th 2007 by Arthur in Life in Holland, Nature

Last weekend we went to Flevoland for a day to hike and watch birds at Oostvaardersplassen. The weather was beautiful and there were many people out and about walking and bicycling. We saw Red Deer, Konik wild horses and several new birds. More »

Patrick de Wolf wins second prize at 2007 TAS amateur film festival

Posted on March 16th 2007 by Arthur in News, Personal

Amateur filmmaker Patrick de Wolf won the second prize yesterday at the TAS theme festival in Tilburg, with his film “Haunted House”. The genre of this year’s Dutch short film contest in Noord Brabant was ‘spanning’ (‘thriller’). More »

New cute birds at

Posted on March 16th 2007 by Arthur in Birds, Shopping & Stuff has been updated this week with 17 new cute birds, including African Grey Parrot, Peach-faced Lovebird, Brown Pelican, Keel-billed Toucan, Osprey, Egyptian Plover and Bald Eagle. There are also some nice free graphics for use in MySpace comments. More »

Pictures of my first total lunar eclipse

Posted on March 4th 2007 by Arthur in Photos, Science & technology, Space

There was a total lunar eclipse tonight. From 10:30pm the shadow of the earth slowly moved over the Moon and from 11:44pm to 12:58am the eclipse was complete and the moon was a beautiful bright red from the Sun’s rays going through the Earth’s atmosphere. Actually, at 11:43pm, just one minute before the total eclipse, a huge cloud came in front of the moon here in Leiden and it started raining and hailing. It didn’t move until just ten minutes before the end of the eclipse, so we were really lucky to see it at all. I had a chance to try out my new Canon 400D. I know these photos are not really great, but it’s the first time I took pictures of the moon, so I’m pretty happy with it. More »