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Re: Hidden security tags in Old Navy jeans

Posted on February 28th 2007 by Arthur in Shopping & Stuff

A year ago I wrote about the security tag I found in my Old Navy Jeans that was setting off alarms in other stores. The square tag with the text “remove before washing or wearing” was hidden in an unusual place inside the jeans and sewn into fabric where I hadn’t noticed it before. I argued that Old Navy should tell customers about these RFID tags or simply move them to a place where you can see them. The post has brought forward some interesting comments of angry customers versus angry Old Navy employees. More »

Leftique – The Boutique for Democrats

Posted on February 24th 2007 by Arthur in Shopping & Stuff

Another shameless plug, this week we’ve launched a new Cafepress store: Leftique – The Boutique for Democrats . The store features dozens of democrat designs, and we are busy adding many more. A lot of the designs are for 2008 presidential candidates, like senators Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Clinton of New York. When we move to the United States we want Bush to be replaced by a new democratic president, so we do have a stake in this and are helping supporters with t-shirts, stickers and other products of their favorite candidate. Our best-selling candidate so far is Obama! More »

Our geotagged photos on Flickr

Posted on February 8th 2007 by Arthur in Travel, Websites & Tools

Tonight I have been adding travel photos of ourselves to Flickr and ‘geotagging’ them. The result: a great interactive map of the world with dots of where we’ve been. It’s the online equivalent of having a map on the wall with thumbtacks. The Flickr website used to be very slow for us here in the Netherlands, but since last year it has been much faster (maybe because they moved from beta to gamma?). In fact, I can’t believe how fast it is to upload photos with the handy Flickr Uploadr, and I’ve never geotagged photos as easy as I have on Flickr. The maps that Flickr uses are from Yahoo! Maps (Flickr is owned by Yahoo), and that I find a bit of a downside; it’s much slower and the areal photos much less detailed than those of Google Maps. Still, I love this site and I’ll keep putting up our travel photos until you can’t see the map anymore from all the pink dots. More »

To the jerk who stole my bike

Posted on February 8th 2007 by Amy in Life in Holland, Personal

First, thank you very much for leaving the severed chain lock on the rack where I parked my bike yesterday afternoon at the metro station. Seeing the lock this morning surely saved me at least a half hour of paranoid searching and re-searching, mumbling to myself and figuring I had gone mad, not remembering just where I had parked my bike. But I know that I did indeed park my bike where I thought I did, it just wasn’t there this morning. But my shiny red lock was. So thank you. More »

Google to build server farm near Groningen

Posted on February 7th 2007 by Arthur in Science & technology, Websites & Tools

Later this year Google will built a huge server farm in Eemshaven, near Groningen in the north of the Netherlands. The new ‘Telehouse’ will have room for 100,000 servers that Google uses for storing its search data. Google is estimated to have some 450,000 servers around the world, in places like Mountain View (California), Virginia, Atlanta, Georgia and Dublin (Ireland). The cluster of computers will require an amount of energy enough to sustain 80,000 households. More »

New in Vista: Cancel or Allow

Posted on February 6th 2007 by Arthur in Science & technology

I’ve been using Windows Vista since Friday, and I’ve been very pleased with it. It looks beautiful, it’s fast and it’s been very stable (knock, knock), but the new User Account Control security measures are ridiculous. What UAC does is ask you if it is okay to do something, basically every time you want to open a window or perform an action. This means that you get bombarded with pop-up windows that ask you if you want to Cancel or Allow the action, even for things that you just clicked on yourself. What’s especially annoying is that the pop-up window disables your entire desktop and has a black background, so your screen is constantly flashing to black. I switched the feature off after one day of frustration, but now Windows keeps telling me that my system is not secure, which I suppose it isn’t anymore. More »

Ten tips for The Gambia

Posted on February 1st 2007 by Amy in Top Lists, Travel

In January 2007 we traveled to The Gambia on a 9-day package tour that included flight, transfers and accomodation. We hired a guide to take us on a 5-day upriver birdwatching trip along with three hard-core Finnish birders. We did not travel independently outside of the resort area, and many of these tips are meant for those who will visit The Gambia in a similar fashion. More »