Bike faster than car in Rotterdam

by Amy
Posted on Tuesday, February 21st, 2006 at 12:30 pm CET
Last Saturday a team of bicyclers were able to cross the city of Rotterdam faster than an auto making the same journey. A group of travelers using public transport also participated; they came in last. The teams traveled the city from west to east and the bikers arrived at the finish two minutes faster than the car. The team using public transport arrived about a half hour later.
The Dutch political party GroenLinks sponsored the race, to promote the use of bikes in daily commuting. After the event, party member A. Bonte, who himself cycles to work, said “Biking is not only better for your health and the environment, but it proves to be faster than (taking) the car.”
It’s common knowledge that the Dutch use their bikes quite a lot. One of the great things about living here are the bike paths, which run along most roads and are sometimes even wider than the pavements for cars. Often bike paths cut through parks, shopping areas or fields where there are no roads for cars, so cycling allows the Dutch commuter to travel from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible.
Last Saturday a team of bicyclers were able to cross the city of Rotterdam faster than an auto making the same journey. A group of travelers using public transport also participated; they came in last. The teams traveled the city from west to east and the bikers arrived at the finish two minutes faster than the car. The team using public transport arrived about a half hour later.
The Dutch political party GroenLinks sponsored the race, to promote the use of bikes in daily commuting. After the event, party member A. Bonte, who himself cycles to work, said “Biking is not only better for your health and the environment, but it proves to be faster than (taking) the car.”
It’s common knowledge that the Dutch use their bikes quite a lot. One of the great things about living here are the bike paths, which run along most roads and are sometimes even wider than the pavements for cars. Often bike paths cut through parks, shopping areas or fields where there are no roads for cars, so cycling allows the Dutch commuter to travel from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible.