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Taiwan highway to close for butterfly migration

Posted on March 31st 2007 by Amy in Nature, News

Check out this article from the Guardian about an unusual wildlife operation. More »

Re: Hidden security tags in Old Navy jeans

Posted on February 28th 2007 by Arthur in Shopping & Stuff

A year ago I wrote about the security tag I found in my Old Navy Jeans that was setting off alarms in other stores. The square tag with the text “remove before washing or wearing” was hidden in an unusual place inside the jeans and sewn into fabric where I hadn’t noticed it before. I argued that Old Navy should tell customers about these RFID tags or simply move them to a place where you can see them. The post has brought forward some interesting comments of angry customers versus angry Old Navy employees. More »

New in Vista: Cancel or Allow

Posted on February 6th 2007 by Arthur in Science & technology

I’ve been using Windows Vista since Friday, and I’ve been very pleased with it. It looks beautiful, it’s fast and it’s been very stable (knock, knock), but the new User Account Control security measures are ridiculous. What UAC does is ask you if it is okay to do something, basically every time you want to open a window or perform an action. This means that you get bombarded with pop-up windows that ask you if you want to Cancel or Allow the action, even for things that you just clicked on yourself. What’s especially annoying is that the pop-up window disables your entire desktop and has a black background, so your screen is constantly flashing to black. I switched the feature off after one day of frustration, but now Windows keeps telling me that my system is not secure, which I suppose it isn’t anymore. More »

International euphemisms for traveller’s gastrointestinal disorders

Posted on January 18th 2007 by Arthur in Travel

Many countries have a euphemism for common traveller’s gastrointestinal disorders, like diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and bloating. For instance, in India they say Delhi Belly, and in Egypt they use the phrase Pharaoh’s Revenge. Here is a list of international terms. More »